An Early-Morning Workout to Enhance Your Mood All Day
If you think you’re the only person that likes sleeping in, you’re mistaken. Most of us love sleeping in, or at least getting a good night’s sleep, but sometimes you have to get out of bed earlier than you’d like in order to have more usable hours in a day. However, there’s a secret to a painless waking up, and that’s an early-morning workout.
Even if you’re not a morning person, it will be a lot easier to wake up and feel refreshed if you get a workout in sometime during your morning routine. Keep in mind, it doesn’t have to be a one-hour intensive workout—the point is to get your heart rate up and give you an energy boost to tackle the day.
- Why You Should Have An Early-Morning Workout Routine
- Morning Workouts Boost Your Metabolism
- Morning Workouts Establish Consistency In Your Daily Life
- Morning Workouts Are Good For Your Mental Health
- Morning Workouts Help You Sleep Better
- 5 Early-Morning Exercises
Why You Should Have An Early-Morning Workout Routine
Some people naturally prefer working out in the mornings, which is great. Others, however, try to do their workout first thing just so they don’t have to think about squeezing it in later.
If you’re one of those just-to-tick-it-off-my-list people, there are actually many benefits to an early-morning workout. You should be looking forward to it, not just getting it over with.
Still not convinced? Here are some reasons that might make you believe.
Morning Workouts Boost Your Metabolism
If you don’t know what an EPOC is, you probably don’t know the main benefit of a morning workout. An EPOC (or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) means that your body keeps burning calories after the training for up to 14 hours. Consequently, whether you’re eating or lounging on your sofa, your body is still in the active state, working its butt off to get you in shape.

Morning Workouts Establish Consistency In Your Daily Life
A full inbox or an unimportant project—whatever you have can wait. Establishing a habit takes 21 days, and after you’ve done it, you’ll notice a sense of guilt creeping in every time you think about skipping your exercise. That’s why it’s essential to stay consistent and stick to your goal, whether it’s to live a healthier life or wanting to get in shape. Keep showing up for yourself, and you’ll notice a change soon enough.
Morning Workouts Are Good For Your Mental Health
Whatever you may think about this idea, many studies show that people who have a morning workout routine are less depressed and anxious. To help fight any kind of mental illness, you need to shift the focus to things that will make you feel better. That is precisely why, for example, yoga is sometimes considered therapy for patients struggling with depression and anxiety.

Morning Workouts Help You Sleep Better
When you work out first thing in the morning, one of the main changes you’ll notice is improved sleep. Working out promotes deeper and longer sleep cycles, which in turn will make you feel more rested upon waking up.
5 Early-Morning Exercises
Gentle Stretches
To kick off your morning workout routine, start by gently stretching your body. Lift your hands as you inhale, then exhale as you fold over. Repeat a couple of times.

The last time you lift your hands, keep pulling them up and slowly lean toward one side and then the other, feeling the stretch in your obliques.
Next, slowly open your legs wide and turn to your right side, bending your knee in a 90-degree position. Holding that position, try pushing your hips down to the floor, keeping your hips and your left leg straight. Hold the position for 10 seconds and switch sides.
Warm-up your joints by circling each slowly, one by one, starting with your wrists and finishing with your ankles.
You should be ready to start your exercise now.
Most people are overthinking it (i.e., procrastinating) when it comes to exercise. Working out shouldn’t be that hard. In fact, it’s pretty simple. Simple as a push-up.
Start in a plank position with your hands right under your shoulders. Your feet should be straight and strong, as well as your whole body. Slowly start by inhaling as you lower down towards the floor. Exhale as you come back up.
If you find this too difficult, try putting your knees down to the ground and repeat the same movement.
This is an excellent exercise for your legs and butt. Start in a standing position with your hands on your hips and your feet hip-width apart. Take one step forward with your right leg, making sure your right knee is not going over your ankle, or you can harm yourself! Lower until your left knee almost touches the ground.

Repeat with the other side.
Leg Squats
This exercise will engage your hips and knees, as well as your legs and butt.
Start by standing firmly on the ground with your feet hip-width apart and your arms in front of you. Now, slowly lower, as if you were going to sit down, and lift your hand. You can make this exercise more challenging by holding this position for a couple of seconds before getting up. Repeat this exercise as much as you can, but if you’re a beginner, make sure you start with a small number and increase it as you get stronger.
Plank is the most effective bodyweight exercise, and it is becoming more and more popular in the fitness industry, for good reason. There are so many benefits to plank that it’s hard to only mention a few, but here goes:

- You’ll be working on your core while improving your overall performance.
- You’ll strengthen your back and spine, decreasing the risk of injury.
- You’ll boost your metabolism.
- You’ll improve your posture and balance.
- You’ll become more flexible.
- You’ll benefit your mental health.
Doing a plank pose is technically easy yet physically challenging—but it will get more comfortable every day. Start by lying on your belly on the floor. Lift your body with your hands, pushing the floor away. Make sure your body is strong and straight. Hold the position as long as you can. If you’re a beginner, start with 30 seconds and then increase the hold as you get stronger.