BodyBoss Portable Gym 2.0 Review
BodyBoss 2.0 Full Portable Home Gym
This gym is amazing because it combines convenience and effectiveness. Its portable design allows you to get a gym-quality workout wherever you are and tuck it out of sight when you are home. The base allows you control over the resistance you’re using for each exercise and freedom to exercise whatever body part you want. The BodyBoss also includes several attachments that are key to a well-rounded workout. In addition to the base and bands, it has a door anchor for seated rows or lat pulldowns, a bar for squats and deadlifts, handles, and ankle straps. To make your workout as simple and effective as possible, the gym provides online workouts too. All of this equipment is a steal for the price!
The BodyBoss allows for almost every single exercise you’d do in a gym, except for bench presses. It does allow you to do cable chest presses, but the inability to bench press will still come as a huge downside for those who have a regular “chest day.” Some taller people might also have difficulty using the bands. Since they’re only thirty inches long, even I had some difficulty with them during some exercises—and I’m only 5’5”! The last con is that although the gym is portable, it folds up into two separate carrying cases. It would be easier to carry if you could fit all of the attachments into one case.
All in all, I love the BodyBoss 2.0 because it has given me some of the best workouts of my life. Before I discovered it, I shied away from home workouts. I didn’t think there was any possible way I could get a good workout in my house. The BodyBoss showed me this was false! With this portable gym, you can do so many different exercises and control your resistance. Its base and attachments allow you to do almost any exercise you can think of—with the exception of bench.
If you’re thinking about buying or upgrading your gym equipment, definitely check out the BodyBoss Portable Gym 2.0! It will change your entire workout experience.
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I’ve always hated home workouts. They seemed so ineffective to me, not to mention I found it difficult to get “in the zone” in my own living room. I felt like I needed machines, heavy dumbbells, and barbells to stay as toned as I wanted. All of this equipment would take up way too much space in my little Manhattan apartment so I always went to the gym. That is until the coronavirus pandemic hit and forced all of us to practice social distancing. Then I had no choice but to find ways to workout in my home. That was when I started using BodyBoss Portable Gym.
Remember that, although you have a lot going on, your health should still be a priority. Exercising is an extremely effective way to boost your immune system, especially when you’re experiencing stress. It has such an effect on your mental and physical health that it helps manage your stress as well.
Since outdoor exercise options are limited as a result of social distancing, resistance exercise in your apartment might be easier to keep up with. Although not aerobic, strength-training also increases cardiovascular health. You don’t need a lot of equipment or a lot of space to have an effective workout. At 20.1 x 15.9 inches, the BodyBoss doesn’t take up a lot of room and can be folded up and put away when not in use. Although this gym is designed to be a mobile system, it’s great for home use too, especially because it’s so compact.
Home Gym Equipment
Any type of exercise, if done correctly, can reap amazing health benefits. The key to each one of them is that they’re done consistently. In order to stay motivated, you must find equipment that you like to use and that encourages you to keep coming back. Even then, you can’t expect the equipment to miraculously motivate you to workout regularly. You must make sure that you are truly ready to change your habits before you start.

For me, the equipment that keeps me motivated is the BodyBoss. I loved this piece when I found it because it was created to be an actual gym replacement. One of the biggest excuses people have for not working out is that they don’t have enough time. Since the BodyBoss was created to be portable, it allows you to “take the gym” with you wherever you want. This means that it’s also designed with enough exercise variety to keep you from ever having to go back to a gym again.
Since I literally can’t access fitness centers during the pandemic, I needed equipment that could act as a complete gym replacement. I knew that if I couldn’t find something that mimicked every exercise I could do in a gym, I wouldn’t be motivated to workout at all. This is what sets the BodyBoss apart from the other products and portable gyms out there. Every time I use it, I know I’m getting a great workout in, and it drives me to stay consistent.
Home Workout Equipment
If you’re starting your home gym from scratch, you may be tempted to simply buy a few resistance bands and dumbbells. After all, these offer a very inexpensive solution. However, they also limit your options significantly. You may be able to keep up some level of fitness, and it’s certainly better than not doing anything, but you will still fall short of what you could achieve in a fitness center. Certain exercises like bodyweight exercises for the back might be more difficult without some creativity.
The BodyBoss is special because it allows you to vary the exercises you can do with resistance bands. You can do everything from lat pulldowns and squats to butt exercises. It also allows you to increase the resistance without having to buy several different levels of bands, making it simpler and more compact.
Exercise at Home
Home exercise has taken off in recent years, especially with the rise of virtual training platforms. For those of us who aren’t used to exercising in our homes though, it might be really hard to get used to at first. Social isolation is horrible for your immune system, though, and exercise is vital to maintain your mental and physical health. Not only will exercise help you manage your stress, but it will also boost your immune system. If you can try to get in thirty minutes of exercise most days, you may reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19.

Now, exercise might not be your number one priority, especially with all of the other upheavals COVID-19 has brought with it. Our entire world has been turned into working from home and zoom parties. The stress brought on by these changes may be more on your mind than exercise. No worries, though! I’m here to save you time by sharing my personal experience with the BodyBoss for the last three weeks.
One good thing about working from home is that it may make it easier for you to workout each day. If your schedule is more flexible, you could take a break and train in the afternoon if you want. Being isolated in your home can be very difficult emotionally and physically. However, since you have so few outside distractions, it’s also the perfect time to focus on self-care and your health and well-being. Take advantage of this opportunity!
Full Body Workout at Home
Working out from home may sometimes seem daunting. It definitely requires creativity! If you have limited equipment, there are only so many exercises you can do. To increase or decrease difficulty, you may also have to use furniture around your house. Your kitchen counter might turn into your incline push-up bar, and your dining room chair, a step-up stool.
Creativity takes a lot of time and effort. This can be extremely frustrating for someone like me who is used to being able to go to the gym and just start working out. I know what each piece of equipment does and how to use it, which means I don’t have to spend extra time coming up with alternative solutions to challenge myself.
The BodyBoss takes a lot of the thinking out of exercising. You don’t have to worry about using furniture as gym equipment. You don’t even have to worry about how to consistently challenge yourself with the same bands and dumbbells. The BodyBoss uses clip-on resistance bands that allow you to workout each muscle group from different angles. These bands can be used to do 300 different exercises. This is amazing because you can get in countless workouts without taking up space in your apartment with lots of equipment! The bands also create a unique workout experience as opposed to free weights, because they engage your core and stabilize muscles throughout each movement.
To further help you on your fitness journey, BodyBoss offers free guides and online videos to give you new ideas. If you’re new to working out or simply want to mix up your routine, you can do so easily.
Portable Gym
The BodyBoss base is what makes this home gym truly stand out from all the other travel workout equipment. The base allows you to attach the bands to the floor so you don’t have to step on them. It also allows you to increase the resistance of the bands and do more exercises than you could with regular resistance bands.
One of my biggest pet peeves with resistance bands is that you have to step on them to get enough resistance for exercises. With this method, you don’t even know if you’re using the same resistance on both sides of your body. BodyBoss allows you to directly control your resistance by attaching the bands to hooks on the base. You can increase the resistance by sliding the bands through several hooks or by pairing it with another band. This way, you also know you aren’t lifting more weight on one side than the other.
Since the BodyBoss is portable, the base can be folded in half and carried like a suitcase from handles extending out of the side. The bands and other attachments that come with it are stored in a small bag that comes with the gym. This makes it pretty easy to transport. However, I think it would’ve been more efficient if the attachments could’ve fit inside the folded base. This would’ve made it easier to hold while walking. Since it’s a bit bulky, it’s probably easiest just to bring it straight from your home to your car.