Dr. Celeste Holder
Dr. Celeste combines her background in Behavioral Neuroscience and Chiropractic Medicine with a holistic view on health, focusing on non-drug treatments for athletes and neuromusculoskeletal conditions. A former athlete and fitness expert, she advocates for preventative medicine and plans to specialize further in Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Sports Medicine, embodying a lifestyle dedicated to mind, body, and spirit wellness.
Education & Experience: B.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience from Northeastern University, Doctorate of Chiropractic Medicine from University of Bridgeport D.C. Her training includes the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions related to treatment of the spine and extremities to promote stability, pain control, and rehabilitation of physical performance and functional capacity. She takes a multidisciplinary approach to treating patients and has extensive knowledge of sports and sports-related injuries. Her “hands on” approach to healing and her belief in caring for the entire body, is an evidence-based alternative option for athletes to “stay in the game” without relying solely on drugs or surgeries. In addition, she is a certified strength and conditioning coach.
Before earning her Doctorate, Celeste gained experience as a personal trainer, yoga instructor and was a former All American track and field athlete. She also served as a top trainer at Equinox fitness clubs, a health and fitness specialist for EXOS at Yale University, and a fitness instructor at UNC wellness centers.
Celeste’s passion stems around health in mind, body and spirit as an avenue for feeling and looking your best and living the 1AND1. She is a strong believer in holistic care, as an overall movement enthusiast and advocate for preventative medicine as a means for optimal health.
Yoga, Running and Strength training are some of her hobbies. She lives and breathes the healthy lifestyle and her interests include, nutrition, chronic disease, and brain health. She plans on pursuing a Diplomate in Neurology, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine and completing a residency in Integrative Medicine.
Articles Written by Dr. Celeste Holder